- To create a close, emotional tie called "bonding." This is essentially making friends.
- This is an ideal relationship between humans and kittens
- You must first understand that kittens are higly complicated creatures with a genetically organized set of natural behaviors. A cat has got to do what a cat had got to do!
- Relate to your new kitten as a living, breathing youngster that needs love, sustenance and firm guidance
- If you do the right things the kitten will learn that you are its protector and provider as well as the source of love, affection, and friendship
- You are all that stands between a helpless, vulnerable baby and the dangers that surround it
- You are the teacher, the judge, and the giver of physical and emotional nourishment
- It is a large responsibility and one that most adults, even children, are capable of handling.
Bonding is the essence of friendship. With your kitten, this means:
- Creating a personal relationship between the two of you based on genuine feelings of affection
- Cats that have bonded with their family have a strong desire to be with them and have deveoped a sense of belonging to their home, which in the cat's mind, means his or her territory
- When you make friends with your kitten, you satisfy his instinctive needs and also get him to accept you as teacher and trainer, which promotes good behavior. Bonding will definitely make life easier for all concerned.
- No matter what your kitten's previous life was like, you have the opportunity to communicate to him that he is safe, cherished, and respected.
- Bonding involves communicating your affection, introducing him to his new home, feeding him, speaking to him, toching him, using body language, playing with him, and responding to all manner of kitten activities.
- info credit to http://smalldogs2.com/
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4 years ago
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