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Be Aware of Body Language

Most people living with cats are rarely aware of the effect of their body language.
  • Your body communicates messages to the kitten or adult cat that can be more powerful than what you say.
  • The underlying rule is to be as nonthreatening in manner or gesture as possible.
  • Keep in mind that a cat in comparsion to a human is a very small creature
  • Do not stand so close that you tower over him, forcing him to move out of your way
  • Inexperienced kittens may follow you around so closely that they intertwine between your feet and get stepped on
  • It is always best when possible to kneel down to the cat's level so that he can relate to you without feeling threatened
  • Do not make sharp, unfriendlymoves when you are close to the cat
  • Sudden or jerky gestures have a negative effect on a kitten
  • Strive for an easy and soft manner with your kitteninfo credit to


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