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pagi ahad yang damai



jom boxing pucci

pucci tak larat nak boxing , tidur lagi baik

petang ahad yang panas

cico tak leh blah dgn kegarangan pucci yang berlakon mesra alam

dah boleh ngam dah




Age:1 Month
Size at Maturity:Extra Large
Hair Length:Long
Health Condition:Healthy

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Dominant Traits: Ambition, Intelligence, Loyalty
The Capricorn cat is unpredictable –shy one minute and aggressive the next. Capricorn cats have a strong maternal/paternal side, viewing all the world’s inhabitants as their “children.” They enjoy doing things out of the ordinary such as sleeping in the bathtub on hot days or drinking water straight from the faucet. Capricorn cats are often frightened by things that most cats are not afraid of such as shadows on the wall, the dark, or high places. They feel secure sleeping under the bed or tucked behind shoes in the closet.


kat mana ne?

 long journey way home.....from pandan to templer....

Today i will take cico home. She's just 1 month +++...may u bring more happines to ur home. I need to feed her wet food since kibles is perplex for her at this moment. Yesterday i went out shopping and bought some stuff ...small cage, milk powder, avoderm wetfood n some more stuff  for her.

Pucci met DR PETER

Today  I had brought pucci met dr peter for vaksin and dewormed at rawang Mutiara. Next appointment on 17 MAC. Dr peter have 10 persian kitten for sale..price rm800. Those munchkin are very healthy, xxl size n cute like me  ( ages 4 - 6 weeks)..hiksss....Worth it for me to buy another 1 for pucci. outside is rm1600 plus2.hhehhehehee.



tq to :

tak jadi beli kucing

sabtu hari tu tak pergi pun tgk anak kucing. sebabnya jantan...aku nak beli yang betina...hari ade kontek breeder di pandan jaya...dia ade kittens persian, aku nak yang warna kelabu...hopefulyy betty lah ye....sian pucci, home alone everyday...takkan nak main ngan suratkhabar je....habis dah jadi tempak berak dah. nasib six sense aku kuat, asal bunyi kais je cepat je aku sambar masuk lam litter box....mungkin penghadaman dia tak ok kot , sebab baru makan kitizyme 2 hari. insyaallah sihat gebu la hang pucci.


Semalam pucci mcm nak bagitau something je kat mummy, meow sambil lari2 ke dapur, bile mummy coco ikut looo lupe tutup api kukus dimsum..gud boy.

Pagi tadi puci kis hidung mummy coco, terus terjaga...tepat jam 6 dia gerak bgn......rasa bonding dia semakin kuat, pucci  pun dah tak malu2 nak nyorok. mana mummy pergi mesti " i followw'  terlompat2 girang, sampai nak masuk toilet pun nak ikut.hikssss  ..mummy pun happy pucci dah suke rumah kita.



The kitten's first introduction to his new home is critical.

  • Everyone in the family should have a turn greeting him and be able to express thier affection by holding him properly and talking to him sweetly
  • Do this one person at a time
  • Keep the kitten away from other pets in the home until they can meet in a quiet and highly supervised atmosphere
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Be Aware of Body Language


Most people living with cats are rarely aware of the effect of their body language.
  • Your body communicates messages to the kitten or adult cat that can be more powerful than what you say.
  • The underlying rule is to be as nonthreatening in manner or gesture as possible.
  • Keep in mind that a cat in comparsion to a human is a very small creature
  • Do not stand so close that you tower over him, forcing him to move out of your way
  • Inexperienced kittens may follow you around so closely that they intertwine between your feet and get stepped on
  • It is always best when possible to kneel down to the cat's level so that he can relate to you without feeling threatened
  • Do not make sharp, unfriendlymoves when you are close to the cat
  • Sudden or jerky gestures have a negative effect on a kitten
  • Strive for an easy and soft manner with your kitteninfo credit to



The sound of your voice and its intonation are two key elements in the bonding process:

  • Watch the parents and friends of a young baby and listen to the silly things they say and the way they sam them, then watch the baby's face.  The baby may smile, even giggle, or become quiet. 
  • The same is true for a new kitten.  When you speak to him, he listens and then responds.
  • The softer your voice and the higher-pitched it is, the more concentrated will be his response to it.
  • A cat's hearing is much more acute than human hearing
  • He is highly sensitive to loud sounds and noises
  • Anger and a loud voice is understood by anyone and to a cat it can be frightening
  • If you use a moderate, loving tone of voice, your kitten will want to be near you
  • The affectionate use of your voice is one of the most important tools you have to help you bond with your kitten as well as to influence good behavior for all its life.
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Naming Your New Kitten


  • It is important to select your kitten's name right away
  • It does not matter what name you choose, as long as it is dignified and respectful
  • It is best to name them a one or two syllable call name and perhaps a longer more meaningful name on registration papers
  • Pets learn one syllable names better and respond best to them
  • Kneel down, hold out a food tidbit or commercial treat and call the kitten to you by his name
  • As he sniffs it, say his name and then something very affectionate
  • If you do this often enough, he or she will learn their name very quickly, and will always associate it with something rewarding, even it is just a scratch behind the ear for responding
  • This is also a good way of teaching him to come to you when called by his name
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Communicating Your Affection


  • Lift him up, hold him as described and add a gentle hug, a kiss on the top of his head and a playful squeeze of the paws . 
  • info credit to  

Holding Your Kitten

  • Holding a cat properly is more important than you would think
  • Avoid holding a cat in any way that scares him
  • He may panic and try to squirm away
  • In the process, you may be scratched or the cat may endure a severe fall
  • With the kitten facing away from you, simply slide your hand along his belly and up to his chest, stop when your fingers are just behind the front legs
  • Place the cat's rear end and back legs in the open palm of your other hand
  • Be firm but gentle
  • It will appear that you are presenting the kitten to the rest of the world
  • If you reverse this and allow him to face you, he is going to dig his nails into your shirt and that will hurt and you may drop him
  • This is how to life a kitten as well as an adult cat
  • This is the first step toward making your new kitten feel secure 
  • info credit to

Upon Arrival


  • Get the introductions over with as quickly and as quietly as possible
  • Try to avoid loud noises, bright lights, too much handling and fondling of the new arrival along with overwhelming attention and expression of affection.  These may frighten the kitten.
  • Remember that the new kitten has no idea where he or she is and who you are, friend or enemy
  • It is your job to convince the newcomer that he or she is in good hands
  • The very first thing to do is to allow the kitten to take a look and a sniff at the new house
  • Do not give him the complete run of the house
  • Take him to one room at a time, allow him to see the entire terriroory and range
  • Do not allow the newcomer to roam from you or it may take hours to find him
  • Show him his litter pan right away and teach him how to use it
  • info credit to

Bonding is the essence of friendship


 With your kitten, this means:
  • Creating a personal relationship between the two of you based on genuine feelings of affection
  • Cats that have bonded with their family have a strong desire to be with them and have deveoped a sense of belonging to their home, which in the cat's mind, means his or her territory
  • When you make friends with your kitten, you satisfy his instinctive needs and also get him to accept you as teacher and trainer, which promotes good behavior.  Bonding will definitely make life easier for all concerned.
  • No matter what your kitten's previous life was like, you have the opportunity to communicate to him that he is safe, cherished, and respected.
  • Bonding involves communicating your affection, introducing him to his new home, feeding him, speaking to him, toching him, using body language, playing with him, and responding to all manner of kitten activities. 
  • info credit to

Making Friends With Your New Kitten


  • To create a close, emotional tie called "bonding."  This is essentially making friends.
  • This is an ideal relationship between humans and kittens
  • You must first understand that kittens are higly complicated creatures with a genetically organized set of natural behaviors.  A cat has got to do what a cat had got to do!
  • Relate to your new kitten as a living, breathing youngster that needs love, sustenance and firm guidance
  • If you do the right things the kitten will learn that you are its protector and provider as well as the source of love, affection, and friendship
  • You are all that stands between a helpless, vulnerable baby and the dangers that surround it
  • You are the teacher, the judge, and the giver of physical and emotional nourishment
  • It is a large responsibility and one that most adults, even children, are capable of handling.
    Bonding is the essence of friendship.  With your kitten, this means:

    • Creating a personal relationship between the two of you based on genuine feelings of affection
    • Cats that have bonded with their family have a strong desire to be with them and have deveoped a sense of belonging to their home, which in the cat's mind, means his or her territory
    • When you make friends with your kitten, you satisfy his instinctive needs and also get him to accept you as teacher and trainer, which promotes good behavior.  Bonding will definitely make life easier for all concerned.
    • No matter what your kitten's previous life was like, you have the opportunity to communicate to him that he is safe, cherished, and respected.
    • Bonding involves communicating your affection, introducing him to his new home, feeding him, speaking to him, toching him, using body language, playing with him, and responding to all manner of kitten activities. 
    • info credit to


I will meet the owner this weekend...yeayyyy...i adore the black color with white spot at his nose.
MIx persian with american curl....pucci would be lonely  home alone, n he needs buddy to play with. This meow is the best choice for him.



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u only bring ur own cage


He's my happiness now.


Age:2 Months
Color:White n Golden
Size at Maturity:Extra Large
Hair Length:Long
Health Condition:Healthy
Dob : 28/NOV/ 2010

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Dominant Traits: Cheerfulness, Playfulness, Adventure

The Sagittarius cat will hold his tail high in the face of evil and find good in every aspect of life. Though cats are born hunters, Sagittarius cats will innocently watch a bird or mouse go about its business without ever attempting to pounce. The Sagittarius cat loves to chew and often on things that are dangerous such as plastic bags, electrical wires, yarn, plants, etc. –so make sure his environment is safe. The Sagittarius cat hates to be alone and is unhappy being the only kitty in the house –he’ll be thrilled if you adopt a companion kitty for him.

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If you are a cat person, you may share or prefer some of the following characteristics that are common in cats:
  • Independence
  • Adaptability
  • Silly antics
  • Poise
  • Beauty  

Kitten Care


Kitten Care

Few things in life are more fun and exciting than bringing home a new kitten. Most kittens adjust quickly to their new home, and are easily cared for. Kittens that are at least eight weeks old are not as labor intensive as puppies, but there are a few things that new cat owners should know about kitten care. 

Preparing for Kittens

You will want to gather your kitten care supplies before picking up your new kitten, so you don't have to leave kitty at home alone while you run to the store.
Kitten-proof your home by removing any dangerous or toxic items and plants. Close off as many rooms as you can, and close all cabinets, closets, and drawers to minimize the area where your kitten can get lost or hide.
Make sure any other pets are well secured. Even pets who do well with kittens may overwhelm the little one when first entering his new environment.


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Kittens are growing very fast, and they may eat much more than you expect. Have plenty of food, and water if you plan to give your kitten bottled water, ready and waiting when you bring your new kitten home. Food and water dishes should be available, too.
Kittens need to eat very often. If possible they should be allowed to free-feed, meaning that they have food available at all times, so they can eat whenever they get hungry. If other pets in the house make this impossible, be sure your kitten has the opportunity to eat all he wants at least four times a day for the first few weeks.

Sleeping Arrangements and Containment 

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Kitten care items need not be costly. A nice cozy bed can usually be fashioned from items you have around the house. Your kitten may or may not agree with you on the ideal place to sleep, so buying a special cat bed is often a waste of money. A towel or small blanket in a shallow box will be very comfortable.
Your new kitten will be tiny, curious, and possible frightened. Tiny kittens can get lost in dangerous places if left unsupervised. For the first few days, he will need a small safe area, such as a crate or small room, where he can feel secure and you can contain him when you go to bed or leave the house.

Litter Box 


You will want to train your kitten to use the litter box on his first day at home. If you cannot find a "real" litter box, any small plastic box, about four to six inches tall, should do - Tupperware makes a dishpan that makes an ideal litterbox, since its walls are higher than commercial catboxes and there is less scatter. If you plan to keep your kitten in a crate for more than a few minutes at a time, you will need a litter box that will fit in the crate. As your kitten grows you can move up to a larger litter box.
Do not use clumping litter when your kitten is young. Any clay litter can be dangerous, but clumping litter is particularly dangerous for kittens. It will stick to their feet, legs, and sometimes entire body. When they groom themselves they ingest the clay which can cause a blockage in their digestive systems and can be fatal. A pine, wheat, or wheatgrass based litter is safe, will track less, provides better odor control, and will not harm your kitten if a little bit is ingested. If you cannot find appropriate litter, newspaper shredded into thin strips will work.

Kitten Care Means Cleaning Too 

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Kittens are very easily litter trained, but you will want to have something on hand to clean up after your kitten just in case he has an accident, and for cleaning the litter box. Most household cleaners are toxic to pets and children, and cats are especially sensitive to these products. Even a slight residue will be picked up by their paws and then ingested when they groom themselves. Cats are also sensitive to inhaling fumes from these products.
Vinegar is your best bet. Dilute vinegar with water, about half and half works well. Vinegar is safe, works as a disinfectant, and neutralizes urine odors.

Toys and Games 


Kittens will play with just about anything, and they will discover all kinds of toys you never knew you had. Make sure that their toys are not small enough to be a choking hazard and do not let him play with string or cords unsupervised.
In the early days, kitten care means vigilance. Kittens will try to climb to the top of your drapes and perch on the curtain rod if not discouraged.


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Be prepared for emergencies. Keep phone numbers on hand for your veterinarian, local emergency clinic, and the ASPCA Poison Control Center.

Expert Written

This article was written by Sandra Yvonne Duke. She became a Certified Small Animal Dietician at age 14 and currently pursuing her education in Holistic Animal Care.

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Buying Persian Kittens


Buying Persian Kittens

If you decide a Persian cat is right for your family, it is time to consider cat adoption. Before you jump in too quickly, make sure you understand the work required to take care of such a high maintenance coat. That said, each Persian is an individual, and some will be easier to keep in coat than others. If you do not have the time or money to take care of your Persian, look at other low-maintenance cats instead.
When shopping around, look at the health of the kittens you find at the Persian cat breeder. Some catteries breed strictly for profit without considering the kittens' health a priority. Look for a cattery that offers a contract. This provides you with a measure of protection in the event that something goes wrong. A registered breeder will also be able to provide you with a pedigree and registration form. 

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Care of Persian Kittens


Care of Persian Kittens

With the proper care and maintenance, Persian kittens can easily live fifteen to twenty years.
Unlike other breeds of cats, Persian kittens need daily maintenance. Their long hair mats easily, so extensive grooming is required. Professional breeders recommend spending at least ten to fifteen minutes per day brushing your kitten's fur with a metal comb or natural bristle brush to get rid of tangles and dead fur that if ingested could cause hairballs. Persians also benefit from a daily face wash since tearing is common due to the immense size of their eyes. A few times a month, your kitten should have a full grooming session that includes a bath, brush and nail trim. Begin this ritual early in your kitten's life so he gets used to it. This helps keep his coat shiny and in good condition. Persians are best kept as indoor cats because their heavy fur is not compatible with inclement weather and dirt. Keeping them indoors also lessens the chance for picking up parasites such as fleas and worms

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Characteristics and Personality


Characteristics and Personality

Persian kittens are easy to identify. They have:
  • Long, thick fur coats
  • Short, thick legs
  • Wide round heads with short noses
  • Large, soulful eyes
  • Full cheeks
  • Short, rounded ears set far apart
  • Short, straight tails
The Persian's face is identified as either a "doll" face or a "pig face" based on his nose and roundness of his features.
You can find Persian kittens in all different colors and coat markings, including
  • Solid: White, blue, black, red, cream, chocolate and lilac
  • Silver and golden: Self explanatory
  • Shaded or smoke: Solid black or gray with distinctly white roots
  • Tabby: Stripes
  • Calico or bi-color: Calico cats are white with red and black patches
  • Himalayan: Sometimes also known as pointed, these cats have darker coloring on their faces and extremities, and lighter coloring on their bodies
Persian kittens must be trained early in order to be successfully shown. Since this is one of the most popular breeds to show, the CA offers different divisions based on the cats colors as listed above.
One reason Persian kittens grew in popularity so quickly was their wonderful personalities. These are gentle cats with unassuming temperaments, and they easily adapt to any environment. This breed is known as being kind, loving and affectionate, without being demanding of your attention and time. They also tend to get along well with other pets.

Persian Kittensy


If you are looking for a sweet, affectionate and gentle cat with a beautiful fur coat, Persian kittens are all that and more. These long haired cats are a popular pet throughout the world. 

 History of Persian Cats 

Traders from Persia, now Iran, first brought Persian kittens to Europe in the sixteenth century. Hieroglyphics suggest that the cat's popularity dates back even further. Persian kittens were considered a high value trade item because the Europeans were impressed with their long, silky coats. Italian traveler Pier Della Ale is given credit for introducing Persian cats to Europe. Persians are also referred to as "long hairs" and are one of the oldest breeds of felines on record.
It was not uncommon at the time to find a Persian kitten in many royal courts. By the nineteenth century, the breed was considered a sign of prestige and luxury among the elite. Persians were actually one of the first breeds of cats to be registered with the Cat's Fancier Association (CA) which began in 1909.




Kitzyme Conditioning Tablets 

provide a natural source of B-complex vitamins that help to guard against nervousness, poor coat and skin trouble and help maintain good health and vitality.

The tablets are given every day, which is because B-complex vitamins are water-soluble and they cannot be stored in the body to any great extent.

* For health & vitality.
* Ideal for use as a healthy treat.
* These tasty yeast tablets contain vitamins and minerals important to your cat’s health and fitness and complement all diets.
* Help to guard against nervousness, poor coat and skin trouble and help maintain good health and vitality.
* Helps maintain a shiny, healthy coat and skin.
* Suitable for kittens and cats, especially in times of need such as illness, stress & pregnancy.

photo credit to: http :   //petsfashionden.superpetshop

Healthy Select Brewer's Yeast with Peanut Butter

  • For healthy skin and a glossy coat
  • Natural source of B-1, B-2, niacin and antioxidants
  • Provides essential fatty acids for a glossy coat and healthy skin
  • Easy to feed chewable tablets


Royal Canin Complete Kitten Food for Persian 32 is a specially formulated kitten food that has been specifically developed to support the needs and feeding styles of the Persian Kitten.

Made from high quality ingredients, enriched with vitamins and minerals and a kibble size designed to suit a Persian's jaws and

Extra strengthened digestive safety with an exclusive formula of ultra-digestible proteins which limit the amount of fermentable residue in the intestine, fructo-oligo-saccharides and beet pulp to help balance the intestinal flora, and EPA/DHA to help support the intestinal mucosa;
Helps reinforce the Persian kitten's natural defences;
Reinforce the barrier role of the skin and reveal the coat's beauty and natural colour;
Supports the brachycephalic jaw of the Persian with an exclusive Ruby 6 kibble that is easy to pick up and encourages the Persian kitten to crunch.

Suitable for Persian kittens aged 4-12 months.

Royal Canin Complete Kitten Food for Persian 32 is part of the Pets at Home Nutrition Centre.


dun forget MUST HAVE....WATER

I BUY ....


Hagen CatIt Jumbo Hooded Litter Box in Gray

  • Provides privacy while retaining the litter inside the pan
  • Ideal for multi-cat households
  • Bag anchor frees hand for easy scooping
  • Carbon filter traps and reduces odors


  • Convenient top and front doors
  • Convex base keeps floor dry
  • Carry strap and top handle included
  • Durable, easy to care for plastic

Meal Feeder
  • You no longer have to worry about rushing home to feed your pet
  • The convenient timer opens up the lid's bowl, which holds up to 1.5 cups of food
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