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Puchie urine strong smell fills the atmosphere......

An unneutered or "intact" tomcat has the strongest-smelling urine of any cat. Even though the surgery removed the hormone-producing testicles, there will still be hormones in your cat's system, and subsequently in his urine, for some time to come. This should dissipate in about a month or so.


Sleeping kits



Breech delivery

 I keep reading abt 'queen' when they want to deliver. All the hanky panky and difficult might be happen at this time. When pichie's time, i myself oogling all the birth of her kits. Wondering why she expel with legs first? now i know she had a breech birth ( what you might call a breech birth, i.e. kitten presenting backwards but with a foot or tail coming down first, is not a true breech and is almost as common as head first presentation. True breech - bottom first and legs tucked up - is rarer and may well present problems just as with humans. but even so most queens shoudl be able to birth such a kitten normally, it may just take longer than usual and a little help may be required). I thought  its's normal. Relief am with her, if anything happened i might be blame my self for the second time. Ithink maybe kits head were big so it's hard for her to push or maybe she just actively roaming inside and outside in her pregnancy time. I learned that we need effort and tendency to prepare any emergency difficulties ( standby ur vet no). Alhamdulillah everythin goes well.

 I like to dig a lot of information about something that BELL my heart. Being a mom pichie is changing her temperement, she's more caring, alert, sensitive protective and loving ( i have adopted a new kitten, and pichi just yelling her, slap her) before. In this atmosphere, she binge less and drink alot of water. Day by day her appetite is increase. All her kits just have new mark on nose...cute!!!  Totally resemble her mommy!!!.

 Daddy puchie looks weird and scared towards baby. He tend to smell the kits and rua away...o thought he will eating all of them, his attitude show that he is manja and love his off spring. Eventhough with PATCHIE ( am not sharing her pic yet) he just lick her face and her tail. All reflect me that puchie is a loving daddy......i will blogging more about my queen.....

Joys of Being a Mom , It's complete me !!!


 Welcome to the toughest, most rewarding job I'll ever have. Take a step back and look at the big picture of motherhood and all the joy it brings.  


A big prosperity in da house!!!


fisrt baby

secoond baby otw, btw mommy pls help my hand get stuck with collar

For all this while, i dun have good mood to blogging, baking, cooking and bla2...i still cannot cope with cicie's death. Grief mood condition. But yesterday it's like a miracle when pichie is giving a birth to 5 healthy kittens!!!! It's dragon kitten baby!!! May dragon year wiil bring a bulk of joyful thought for us. Congratulation for my pichie...u're mommy nowwww!!!!! Love u.


lovey dovey mood


caca: dont come close, i hate ur smel
puchie: u just gojes to flip by, no way

puci : welcome to my territory
caca: arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

caca: love u chie
puchie : love u more!!

 it's like grey snowy fur  everywhere

take 5!!!



Pagi ne sebelum gi opis, mummy buat aktiviti bersama seperti biasa bersama cici pichi n puchi. Otw nak keluar jalan besar tertinggal pula barang, takpe malas nak patah balik mummy terus gi keje. Hati mmg tak sedap, lepas singgah UM terus balik. Jam  4 sampai terus buka pintu, pichie je sambut, heran..mana cici? sampai ke dapur mummy cari..takdepun..tetiba ade suara nyaring cici bergaung, rupanya kat bawah meja...nape lemah sangat ne? terkejut separuh nyawa ikan...terus bawa cici ke dr chew....dr bagitau cici tak buleh nak bersalin...terkejut pula sebab cici tak pula tunjuk tanda...bila dr cakap cici is left u...tetiba jadi kelam jee....dr chew buat post mortem dan tunjuk perut cici, rupanya tali pusat dia berbelit 4 kali, jadi dia tak boleh nafas dan kene heart attack....anak dia ade 5 ekor...sumenya tak sempat diselamatkan. "Dr saya nak cici saya selamat..plsss" . Cici had left mummy alone...forever...Mummy tak sangka cici nak jauh...kalau mummy tau cici nak bersalin, mummy tak gi keje hari ne.....ALLAH lebih sayangkan cici dan mummy terima takdirnya. Bersama cici tiada saat pun yang mummy lupa. Tiba2 semua kenangan recall balik...Mummy call security minta korek tanah untuk tanam cicie..sampai je kat rumah guard bagitau dia dah buat lubang....cicie ditanam bersama anak2nya . Sudah tak mampu menulis lagi....balik ne mummy rasa rindu je kat furgurl mummy...........puchie n pichi pun cari2 cici....MUMMY LOVE U SAYANG!!!

pichi get sun bathing



kan pichi dah marah kat stalker......



stalker, stranger lost in my house 1


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